Monday, April 11, 2005

Quotey quotey quote quotes

Since the age of 13 I've kept a small quote notebook. I write quotes from books or movies that I liked. The notebook is finally filled; 52 pages of quotey goodness! I thought I would share some of my favorites. Most are funny, because I love a good one-liner.

Warning: Since this was a private notebook so the proper rules of quotations and citations were ignored. There are misquotes galore!

These are some quotes I took down between the ages of 13 - 15 years old

I believe I've put forth a tiny soul-root in to this soil this afternoon. I hope so, I hate to feel transplanted - L. M. Montgomery, Anne of the Island

With a name like Atossa you would be sour. She should imagine her name was Cordelia - L. M. Montgomery, Anne of Avonlea

I consider him a reverend jackass - L. M. Montgomery, Anne's House of Dreams

One of them did tried to flirt with her once and she froze him out so bad, I feel sure he's never got himself thawed since - L. M. Montgomery, Anne's House of Dreams

If you want to speak to God, speak to the winds - African proverb quoted in my freshman Geography textbook

What is poetry? Who knows?
Not the rose, but the scent of the rose;
Not the sky, but the light in the sky;
Not the fly, but the gleam of the fly;
Not the sea, but the sound of the sea;
Not myself, but what makes me See, hear, and feel something that prose
Cannot: and what it is, who knows?
- Eleanor Farjeon quoted in my freshman year English textbook

The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one -Wilhelm Stekel, quoted by JD Salinger in Catcher in the Rye

The Lord might be busy helping somebody else, and it wouldn't look right for Him Just to drop that person and come help me - Ernest J. Gaines, The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman

He told not very black lies, seldom getting deeper than gray, and often the mildest of white fibs - Louisa May Alcott, Little Men

Do not seek to much fame, but do not seek obscurity
Be proud, but do not remind the world of you deeds
Excel when you must, but do not excel the world
Many heroes are not yet born, many have already died
To be alive to hear this song is a victory
- African proverb quoted in my Sophmore English textbook

I have such faith in his love that I believe I might kill him, and he wouldn't wish to retaliate - Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights

Of course I rember the Civil War everything except the side I fought on - Ray Bradbury, Dandelion Wine


Anonymous said...

lol, you just inspired me to start a notebook of quotes of my own.

LilyFair said...

aww, you should.

And there I go inspiring the youth of the world...