Thursday, July 13, 2017

Project Implicit

Take A Test - Take quizzes to discover any biases you might have based on race, gender, religion, and other topics.

My results:

Arab/Muslim: Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for Other People over Arab Muslims.

Native American: Your data suggest a strong automatic association for American with Native American and Foreign with White American.

Weapons: Your data suggest little or no automatic association between Weapons and Harmless Objects with White Americans and Black Americans.

Weight:  Your data suggest no automatic preference between Fat people and Thin people.

Religion: Your data suggest a slight automatic preference for Judaism over Islam.

Gender/Career:  Your data suggest a strong automatic association for Male with Career and Female with Family.

Race:  Your data suggest no automatic preference between Black people and White people.

Sexuality:  Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for Gay people over Straight people.

Age:  Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for Young people over Old people.

Skin-tone:  Your data suggest no automatic preference between Dark Skinned People and Light Skinned People.

Gender/Science: Your data suggest a strong automatic association for Male with Science and Female with Liberal Arts.

Presidents: Your data suggest no automatic preference between Abraham Lincoln and Donald Trump.

Disability: Your data suggest a strong automatic preference for Abled Persons over Disabled Persons.

Asian American: Your data suggest a strong automatic association for American with European American and Foreign with Asian American.

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